If you have concerns about your, or your loved one’s, mental or emotional health, below are few things to consider.
What is the difference between mental health and emotional health?
Mental health and emotional health are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. Mental health is a term that refers to a person’s overall psychological well-being. Emotional health, on the other hand, refers to a person’s ability to regulate their emotions.
While mental health is important for overall well-being, emotional health is important for day-to-day functioning.
What are some factors that affect mental and emotional health?
There are many factors that can affect mental and emotional health. Some of these include:
- Stress/Trauma
- Genetics/Family history
- Substance abuse
- Relationship problems
- Financial problems
- Chronic illness or pain
- Social isolation or loneliness
What are some ways to help manage a person’s mental and emotional health?
Some self-care tips include:
- Eating a balanced diet
- Getting regular exercise
- Getting enough sleep
- Practicing relaxation techniques (such as meditation or yoga)
- Avoiding drugs and alcohol
When should you schedule an evaluation for mental and emotional health?
It is important to check in regularly regarding mental and emotional health. An evaluation should be considered if you or a loved one experience any of the following:
- Anxiety or panic attacks
- Depression or suicidal thoughts
- Excessive stress or worry
- Mood swings
- Obsessive thoughts or behaviors
- Problems with anger or impulsivity
- Changes in eating or sleeping habits
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Withdrawal from friends or activities